Discover new shades of your beauty

In a world where we strive to survive and fight for usually very stressful situations, we often neglect the most important thing of all, taking care of ourselves - most especially our skin. At Mellow Medical Aesthetics (MMA) we understand your requirements, your needs, and your aspirations.

Since you are uniquely beautiful, you need personalized and distinctive solutions to effectively address your skin concerns. That is why we are delighted to offer innovative treatments to cover all skin types. We have a range of services designed to improve your skin’s health and help sustain and restore a youthful appearance that will encourage you to maintain your skincare.

Visit MMA and you can be assured of safely receiving superior treatments in a comfortable, welcoming atmosphere.

Let us take care of you and instantly feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Meet Your Beauty Professional

Hi, my name is Marwa and I'm the founder of Mellow Aesthetic.

I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer science and Information Technology but I did not find myself in that field at all. That is why, when I left Iraq in 2013, I started to think seriously about changing my major and moving to Canada to realize my dreams. When I was growing up in my country, things were a bit different. As a teenager, I was surrounded by girls of my age that were obsessed with different kinds of makeup-trying to hide their acnes and skin problems. It intrigued me and made me wonder - how can this be improved? We wouldn't wanna live in a world were people hide from make up or undergo extreme body modifications just to cover their skin concerns. I have always been fascinated with how beautiful our natural skin can be and I thought, maybe there is a way on how we can remain naturally-beautiful. This thought slowly turned into passion. I started to find products that will help my own skin problems. After seeing the results on my skin, I began hearing compliments from people around me that pushed me to increase my trust and belief in myself and made me study more about skincare. Later on, I started what I consider my first formal attempt in skincare, by practicing it with my own family members and friends. Surprisingly results were great! Even simple advice and techniques that I offered showed positive results on their skin look.

I remember when I first reached Canada 9 years ago, I made a hasty decision to study what I truly love - SKIN CARE. I vowed to continuosly learn healthy and non-invasive ways to enhance our skin's natural capability to stay beautiful. I started attending trainings, loads of workshops, I studied and worked hard to make my dream a reality. Finally in 2019, I received my certificate in "Laser Hair Removal and Medical Aesthetic" from The Looks Aesthetic Academy. I cannot tell you how proud and happy I was that time, it was a pivotal point in my life. Having enough knowledge and skills I have gathered through the years, I decided to take a giant leap. In 2019, I opened up my own business. I battled through many nights of hesitations and doubts whether or not I should continue or if I would even be successful at all. Then I remembered that- this is the time to put all of my hardwork into place, and so I began. Little did I know, the catastrophic pandemic will hit the whole world.

Unfortunately, after the first attempt, I had to close the business down. I was devastated and felt a little lost. After some time, I found myself even improving on my knowledge and began to research new and more modern ways on how to help people with skin conditions. Over a year passed, I started receiving calls and messages from my clients asking me when I will reopen. Thanks to them, I decided to come back stronger and better. I promised myself that I will give my customers the best services they deserve, so I added a couple more certificates in the field like “Body Contouring” and “Butt Lifting” and so on.

Looking back, with all the obstacles and bumps along the way, I tap myself on the back and say "Good job girl, you made a great choice!"

To anyone else who is going through the same road I was in long time ago, just hang on, pursue and persevere. If a young girl from Iraq who dreamed and thrived made it - then so can you!

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